Innovative Hoist Installation via Carpark Lightwell

We were approached by a long-standing client to devise a unique solution for transporting roofing materials across four floors.

Project Overview

In a complex project demonstrating our adaptability and technical expertise, we were approached by a long-standing client to devise a unique solution for transporting roofing materials across four floors.

The challenge was to install two hoists that could efficiently move goods to a plaza area, accessible only through a lightwell in an underground car park.

Challenges Faced

  • Restricted Access: All equipment and materials had to be moved via an underground car park, complicating logistics and setup.
  • Lightwell Constraints: There was no direct access from the lightwell to the plaza, requiring an innovative approach to vertical transportation.
  • Plaza Accessibility: The plaza area lacked vehicle access, requiring materials to be transported manually.

Proposed Solutions

To overcome these challenges, our team worked closely with our scaffolding client to design a custom scaffold that would allow us to lift the second hoist using the first one.


We provided the Hire of GEDA 200Z hoists, enabling the client to efficiently move roofing materials directly from the car park, through the hoists, and onto the roof. This streamlined process significantly reduced manual handling and expedited the overall construction timeline.

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